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Home / The Club / Health & Safety Statement
Home / The Club / Health & Safety Statement

Health & Safety Statement

Statement of Health & Safety Policy
It is the responsibility of the Burghfield Sailing Club to ensure that the risks to the health, safety and welfare; Of its employees, members, their guests, the general public and the clients of the Andrew Simpson Water sports Centre (AWSC), are as low as reasonably practicable.
The Commodore and appointed Club Officers, will work together to achieve this by implementing a health and safety management system.
  • Provide and maintain a safe and adequate environment for all employees with regards to facilities and arrangements for their welfare at work.
  • Provide and maintain a safe environment for all members and their guests.
  • Issue disclaimers and notices required in order to obtain the necessary insurance policies, certificates and licences.Offer, where relevant, training for Club employees and members.
  • Ensure that its premises, fittings, fixtures, boats and equipment are maintained in good repair and safe working order.
The Directors of the Club are ultimately responsible for compliance to its legal responsibilities under UK law.
All employees, members and their guests, clients of ASWC and members of the general public have a responsibility to ensure that their own actions or omissions do not constitute a danger to themselves, to others or risk to the environment.

Any contractor working with the Club has a duty under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974:
  • To take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work.
  • To comply with all Burghfield Sailing Club safety procedures.
  • To report to the Club any hazard or potential hazard known to them.

Nominated Health and Safety Officers
The Club will appoint a member of the Committee as Health & Safety Officer. Their name will be posted at the Club House and on the Club website.Fire

All employees and members should read the Fire Notices and familiarise themselves with the action to take in the event of a fire.

First Aid
A list of current First Aiders will be maintained and posted on the Club notice board and on the website.
A First Aid box is kept in the Club House and during sailing activities on each of the Club RIBs and the Committee Boat.
Further medical assistance should be obtained by dialling 999 and calling for an ambulance. The nearest accident and emergency hospital is Royal Berks Hospital, Reading.

Recording and Reporting Accidents
All accidents must be recorded in the Accident Book. Incidents during Club events that might have led to personal injury must also be reported to the event management team on site. All accidents will be investigated to learn any lessons and so attempt to prevent a recurrence.

Health & Safety Risk Assessments
The Club will make use of Risk Assessments to manage risks within the range of activities it conducts. Such as open meetings, club racing and social sailing, working parties, training events, open days, use of club house, and access to the club by outside organisations.
In addition, in support of the junior membership, the Club will develop a safeguarding and child protection policy with guidelines, based on the RYA policy recommendations.

Emergency Management Plan
The Club will maintain an Emergency Plan setting out the principles to be followed in its response to incidents or emergencies.

This Statement of Policy was adopted by Club Officers and Committee on 20th February 2020.
Issued by Nigel Rolfe (Commodore)
Posted to website and displayed on Club notice board.

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