Wednesday evening racing and social has started
Published 08:45 on 18 Apr 2024
Fantastic evening at Burghfield for the first Wednesday evening race and social, 30 plus boats enjoyed a fantastic course covering most of the lake with Pippa in the Oppi starting and finishing first, just holding off the Fire Inland Champion David Shafto. The introduction this year of Personal Handicaps taken from last year encouraged close racing throughout the fleet, at one point 8 boats were calling for room at buoy 7, also great to see more juniors and youths who will be competing for the 1st youth and 1st junior prizes.
After racing the smell of the food from the canteen filtered throughout the clubhouse and the newly refreshed and stocked bar being managed by Nygel was looking great.
Even if you are not racing come and enjoy the food, drink and balcony fleet over the coming 18 weeks.